October 5th & 6th 2024
🎥 by Joaomfari

The AARAM – Associação de Atletismo da Região Autónoma da Madeira is the organizer of the so called “ULTRA MADEIRA” event, 8th edition, which will take place on October 5th and 6th, 2024, with absolute respect for the environment. This event will be the first competition of the CIRCUITO TRAIL MADEIRA circuit, season 2024-25.
“ULTRA MADEIRA” is a trail running event, which takes place entirely on the island of Madeira and includes 5events:
ULTRA MADEIRA - 78km and 3610 meters of positive altitude gain (linear format)
ULTRA 50K – 51km and 2051 meters of positive altitude gain (linear format)
TRAIL 30K - 30 km and 1360 meters of positive altitude gain (linear format)
TRAIL 15K - 15 km and 340 meters positive altitude gain (linear format)
MINI TRAIL - 8 km and 290 meters positive altitude gain (linear format)